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  • #economics #investing | Author and financial blogger JL Collins brings his refreshingly unique and approachable take on investing to Google.The author of "The Simple Path to Wealth:...
    • If 4% of your assets can cover your a year's expenses, you are financially independent.
    • Simple is what gets you best results.
    • 30 years span - index outperforms 99% of fund managers.
    5 months ago | View Shared by kang
  • #economics #investing | The tools and practice of valuation is intimidating to most laymen, who assume that they do not have the skills and the capability to value companies. In thi...
    • Valuation should not be complex.
    • Valuation is not accounting.
    • Where is the value of a company coming from? Compare p&g with tech companies.
    • 4 questions: What are the cash flows? What's the value you create from future growth? How risky is the future growth? When will the business become mature?
    • Stories and numbers. Two groups of people should listen to each other. I'm a stories person, and must be disciplined with numbers.
    • Synergy, control, brand name, strategic deal, china(fast-growing nation). => weapons of mass distraction.
    • You can't value a company if its cashflow is negative forever.
    • What's the mood? What's the momentum? People pay high prices because they think they can sell at higher prices.
    • There is no smart money. There is only less stupid money.
    • What is the right narrative about this company? => this question will drive the valuation of the company.
    5 months ago | View Shared by kang

